Powerful mind therapy
Now Available for Online Counseling

I use a humanistic approach. Life can be challenging, learning how to navigate is important to our existence in that we write our story. I believe in working with individuals in helping them identifying ways to positively fulfill their needs and unpack what is important for them to feel like empowered individuals. Our experiences shape us as individuals, but we have control in how we react and how to live our lives. Understanding our own thoughts and emotions help us develop tools in investing our emotional energy wisely. The mind is powerful and how we use it is essential in our daily lives.
I specialize in working with teens. I have experience in working with school districts, where I saw students throughout the day. For crisis intervention along with providing services for teens whom may not have mental health services available. Cases involve teen pregnancies, behavioral issues, Suicidal ideation and recovery from drug treatment. I help teens understand what depression and anxiety are by incorporating in helping teens find their own healthy coping skills along with setting goals for self-awareness and improvement as they prepare themselves for adulthood.
I want you to feel comfortable and safe to disclose personal and maybe difficult thoughts. Therapy can be hard but also a relief in being able to overcome challenges and learning about yourself. Therapy is healing because of the relationship we cultivate, so I want you to know who I am too!
Passionate About Inspiring Others
I was raised by a single mother whom immigrated to the states with 3 children. Being a Latina and living a multi-cultural life of Hispanic and American culture, I struggled to understand who I was as an individual. We live in a world that constantly tells us what we should look like, how to act, and even who to be. These messages often prohibit us to move forward or find our own identity. Being a rebellious teenager myself, I struggled in understanding the reality of my own potential as I battled with living with depression and anxiety. The importance of having a voice, and feeling empowered came after many hard life experiences due to impulsive choices or uncertainty of who I was as a person.
Experiences have taught me that failure is how we learn. Being a teen mother and facing adult decisions became overwhelming. Being a victim of domestic violence, rape, and drug abuse has taught me the realities of the world we live in. One of the hardest experiences I’ve had is placing a child in an open adoption. I am not perfect, I am human. I have learned who I wanted to become, and still struggle. I finally understood the importance of understanding our own thoughts, feelings, and behavior. I don’t always get it right but it’s a start.
Enough about me. I want to know all about you and help you navigate to your full potential as a human being! Let’s work together to understand your world. Tell me your story and where do you want to go, or maybe that’s something we can figure out together.

Fun Facts
Individual Therapy 50-60min sessions $160
Family Therapy 75min sessions $175
Group Therapy TBA